Big files
How can I move a big file from one location to another (outside the ITB):
Use GigaMove
GigaMove is a service provided by the DFN (German Research Network). You open an account with your HU account (Charité or other univerisities should also work) and upload files up to 100 GB.
Use magic wormhole
For an ad-hoc solution akin to services like AirDrop, one might also use magic wormhole. The service requires that both partners are using it at the same time (ie. there is no external storage involved; the data is sent directly). The sender will type something like
$ wormhole send MYFILE.dat
Sending 1234000 byte file named 'MYFILE.dat'
On the other computer, please run: wormhole receive
Wormhole code is: 7-crossover-clockwork
And the receiver will then need to use the provided code to download the data:
$ wormhole receive
Enter receive wormhole code: 7-crossover-clockwork
Receiving file (1234000 bytes) into: MYFILE.dat